Effective Ways For Higher Social Media Conversions

The importance of social media as traffic source cannot be under estimated. It may be among your highest traffic sources. Using social media to get traffic seems a great way, but not always brings the desired results. In this article, I will suggest some ways for how to increase your social media conversation rates. How to create better engagement and best tactics to follow in social media. Use High Conversion Words Twitter Cards Facebook Open Graph Social Media Sharing Widget…
40 White Hat Creative Best Link Building Techniques

External links are highly important when it comes to web site’s ranking, How can you get worth and safe links for your web pages? In this article, I want to show you some creative ways for link building and how to use them. There are many more, all depends on your imagination, creativity and the effort needs to put into it. As usual, some are easier to follow, choose the ones you feel most comfortable with and that fits your…
How To Increase Organic Traffic To Your Website

What can you do to get more organic traffic? How to optimize your website in the eyes of search engines spiders? In this article, we will suggest some of the best things to do for getting better rank and more traffic. Organic Traffic You get organic traffic to your website if people find it through an online search using search Engines (in short, SE). Google, Yahoo and Bing and Youtube now give the largest search Engines services on the web,…
Alexa Traffic Ranking: How does Alexa rank websites ?

What is Alexa traffic and how rankings are determined? Alexa Rank is a measure of your site popularity relative to other sites. It’s based on global data panel installed as browser extensions or plug-ins. This panel collects data about the browsing behavior from all internet users and uses it to estimates the number of visitors to all Internet sites. because it is relative, your rank depends not only on your traffic but also on traffic changes of other sites. Below…
Common Search Engine Mistakes to Avoid

All website owners know that traffic is indeed one of the most important things out there, because this is how you can make sales, by having more customers. You can see traffic as being the location for any real estate property, so it matters a lot how you promote your site, what SEO tactics you use and so on, because all of these combined can lead to better or worse results in the end. Most of the time the website…
How to Grow Traffic on Your Blog or Website?

As owners of website, most of us feel that we do not get a level playing field as we cannot spend as much as some of our competitors. What can you do when you find that despite your best efforts, traffic to your website or blog is not growing as much as you would have liked? Read on to learn some simple but effective ways to increase traffic to your website and to become wellness marketer. Try these time-tested ways…
Tips On How To Increase Website Sales

One of the main reasons you create a website is to boost sales, and this is why you need to work hard in order to determine which features are bringing you the highest revenue so that you can optimize them the best way you can. This is the first step that you need to perform if you want to improve on the results offered by your website, but it can be difficult to figure out all you have to do…
The Questions Every Website Business Should Ask

When planning your business website, there are few essential questions you should ask yourself. What is the goal of your site? How will your audience find you? How will the site convert your visitors into a paid customers? These are some burning questions that all website owners have to take into account, so you definitely need to keep them in mind. What is the goal of your site? This is surely one of the most important questions for any website…
Evaluate Your Traffic With A/B Testing

This time we are going to get familiar with powerful evaluation method for your website traffic, And how to get the maximum from your visitors. What is A/B Testing? A/B testing or split testing is comparing two versions of a web page to see which one performs better. You show two variations (A and B) of the web page to your visitors, and then select the one, which performs or converts the best. Despite calling it A/B testing, the experiment…
How To keep Your Visitors From Leaving In 10 Seconds ?

Let’s say you just bought a big volume of traffic for your website and you are excited to see these visitors arriving to you website, hopefully to get some sales. Than you notice most of them are leaving in 10 seconds or less. You may ask yourself, How can it be, what went wrong ? Here are few things to start your check. Pop-Ups If your site is showing pop-up especially on the moment the visitor landed on your page…