Alexa Traffic Ranking: How does Alexa rank websites ?

What is Alexa traffic and how rankings are determined?
Alexa Rank is a measure of your site popularity relative to other sites.
It’s based on global data panel installed as browser extensions or plug-ins. This panel collects data about the browsing behavior from all internet users and uses it to estimates the number of visitors to all Internet sites. because it is relative, your rank depends not only on your traffic but also on traffic changes of other sites.
Below is an example of how data is presented on Alexa site.
There is more information not shown here, like Audience Geography, Top Keywords from Search Engines and Total Sites Linking In.
The Alexa Traffic Rank is based on the traffic data gathered from users using Alexa’s global data panel over a rolling 3 month period. Traffic Ranks are updated daily and a site’s ranking is based on a combined measure of Unique Visitors and Pageviews.
Unique Visitors are the number of unique users with Alexa toolbar who make a visit to a site on a specific day. Pageviews are defined as the total number of users with Alexa panel that made URL request to a site. Multiple page requests made for specific URL by the same user and on the same day will count as a single Pageview.
Every day, Alexa estimates the average daily visitors and pageviews to every site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months is ranked #1. The site with the least is ranked somewhere around 30 million. If no one visited a site, as recorded in the Alexa measurement panel over the past 3 months, there is no rank at all for that site.
Alexa’s Traffic Ranks are used for top level domains only (e.g., and it takes 21 days to gather enough data to properly rank your website. Alexa publishes the Top 500 Web sites at TopSites.
What are the Advantages
- You can use the Alexa measure as a comparative tool to know where you are positioned compared to your competitors.
- It is used by advertisers to know the marketing potential of your Web site.
Website with higher Alexa rank will get more offers and higher bids from advertisers that wish to buy advertising and place ads. - Personal pages or blogs are treated and ranked in the same manner as regular Web sites.
- Alexa ranking also gives you information matrix about your Website which can be utilized for better SEO (search engine optimization).
What are the Disadvantages
- The Alexa traffic can be easily and greatly manipulated. Thus some will claim it is not showing the website real position or value.
- Not everyone is using the Alexa toolbar. Therefore this rank is not counting for many Web sites that are getting a significant amount of traffic, that is not coming from Alexa users.It can also give low rank (high value) to these web sites which is not reflecting the true value of them.
- The overall traffic is calculated for the top level domain only and sub domains or sub pages are not ranked separately.
Number of visitors to a site and Alexa Rank
An example of plotting the number of visitors to a site versus the rank is shown below.
The graph’s head gets a huge number of visitors and is ranked #1. There you’ll find websites like Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc…
On the graph’s tail will be websites with no or very little (Alexa) traffic.
very small change in the number of visitors to a site on the long tail results in a large change in rank.
How accurate is Alexa Traffic Rank?
Because the Alexa ranking is calculated only from users who have Alexa’s data panel, the data may not represent the correct traffic to a website. So, it is possible for a site to have high Alex rank (low value) while having not much traffic compared to other sites with much higher volume and lower Alex rank.
Another thing is related to the ranking value, it is estimated and may not be accurate when it comes to sites with a low number of visitors.
Alexa blog says that sites with fewer than 1,000 monthly users are hard to measure, the closer a site gets to #1, the more reliable its rank will be. for sites ranked below 100,000, the ranking value becomes more accurate and reliable.
Moz checked the Accuracy of 12 Traffic Prediction services and how they are estimating a website’s traffic.
The overall results showed these services are not doing a good job. Alexa came in place 6 for data quality/accuracy, with these Metrics:
• Spearman’s Correlation w/ Actual Traffic: 0.702
• Standard Error: 0.0607
• Data coverage: 100%
The Metrics meaning:
• Spearman’s Correlation with Actual Traffic – Spearman’s helps us know the degree to which, as actual traffic rises/falls how well does the corresponding metric get higher/lower.
• Standard Error – This is a standard error on the correlation numbers, which helps to give a sense of variance.
• Data Coverage – Coverage is critical because it shows how frequently the services we looked at actually had real data for the sites in the sample.
It also came out that Moz was in place 7 with similar correlation to Alexa, while Moz is not even trying to measure web traffic.
AlexaRank Vs Page SEO metrics
When you want to know what is a webpage quality, you need to use some SEO metrics. Until recently, it was google page rank (PR) that catch most of the attention. this metric is no longer updated since mid 2013, but still used for website quick filtering, like domain evaluation or buying expired domains names.
The most used metrics are:
• MozRank, Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA)
• Majestic, Trust Flow (TF) and Citation Flow (CF)
• Ahrefs, URL Rating (UR) and Domain Rating (DR)
Each has its own strength and weakness and all are scaled from 1-100. most of these metrics are calculated from backlinks data, social signals, referring domains, but not much from traffic data. They are different from Alexa rank, that measures only traffic. Personally, I like to use Ahrefs, I think they have a great tool and very quick I can get the whole picture.
When it comes to Page rank or any of the other metrics, it is possible for a website to have high ranking and yet very little traffic.
So, How they have high metrics? most likely by inbound links and not real visitors traffic. You can find even PR5 or PR6 sites with not much traffic coming. In these cases, Alexa is better, because it gives you a signal that traffic is actually coming to a website.
The best would be correlated Alexa traffic to a page rank. if the SEO metrics is high, you should expect a low AlexaRank.
But again, what if most of the traffic is not coming from Alex users? that’s why I like to see a low AlexaRank, but if I see high AlexaRank, I don’t jump to any conclusion about the website traffic.
I have summarized this in the Alexa rank correlation to metrics:
• High metrics with Low Alexa rank: high correlation for SEO strong site
• High metrics with High Alexa rank: not sure if this is weak seo site or a case of low Alexa traffic
• Low metrics with high Alexa rank: high correlation for SEO weak site
• Low metrics with low Alexa rank: most chances it’s a manipulated site
Are people giving Alexa rank too much weight?
This is a question that rise sometimes, and I think it should be asked. As we seen from data accuracy correlation and also from Alexa itself, it has limitations and data is not correct all times nor reflecting the real website position. But, on the second hand, there are many marketers and professionals that like to use Alexa traffic measure. From my experience, I saw the use of Alexa rank to filter website before sending outreach emails or getting comments. Yes, it is easy that way, but better use Alexa rank with some other metrics as well.
Alexa Certified Metrics
Alexa provides on-site analytics called Certified site Metrics. the data shown is directly measured from your website and not estimated. This something like google analytics’s, but less powerful. This gives a more accurate Alexa Rank, tracking, reports and more control over what you display publicly. but, the service is not free. you’ll also get website research and analysis tools, all depends on your registration plan.
How to use Alexa rank data?
There are few ways to exploit Alexa data (with the accuracy limitation):
1. Find out who are the leaders in your niche. The numbers will tell you who are the leading websites.
2. Estimate the number of visitors for your niche. It is always good to know how much traffic to expect.
3. Get to know your competitors and know your position among others.
4. Marketers and advertisers use Alexa as a traffic measurement tool.
Tips to increase your Alexa rank
1. Register your website
Registering (Claiming) your site is for free. it enables keeping your site description and contact information update. It ensures you won’t miss out on any potential business opportunities from the millions of people who visit Alexa every month.
Doing that you’ll be able to edit your site listing information, gather some statistics and track your ranking easily.
This has no effect on your website rank, it still measured even if not registering.
2. Install Alexa Widget
Even so, Alexa writes that this is not effects ranking, some experiments do show great improvement for the rank place after the widget installed. We think Installing the Alexa Widget can help to improve Alexa ranking for a website. Because, every visitor download the widget, just by browsing, and this may count as Alexa visit. You can get the instruction how to add the widget from here Alexa Widget. The widgets do not support https URL. If you use cms like WordPress, there are free plugins available for that, like this one.
There are two types of Alexa Widget you can use: your site’s Alexa rank with Sites Linking In count and without Sites Linking.
3. Install Alexa toolbar into your browser
The more Alexa toolbar users visit your website, the better your ranking will be. Download and install Alexa toolbar to your browser and check your website status On that toolbar. Alexa ranking is directly related to traffic which is coming to your website so more traffic means more rank. Get the Official Alexa Toolbar for Internet Explorer or use Alexa free extension for Chrome, this extension includes you in Alexa’s traffic panel.
FireFox users has the Add On SEO Status PageRank/Alexa Toolbar which displays Google PR and Alexa rank for every web site you visit.
4. Write fresh high quality content
Write quality and update content with some unique information, it will help you to improve website traffic and your Alexa ranking.
Good and fresh content is what all search engines and ranking firms look for and it always strikes high. It’ll improve your SERP ranking and help you to increase the amount of traffic on your site.
learn how to get more traffic leads.
5. Write Original and engaging content
If your write valuable content that is useful and original, people will share it naturally with others. As a result, you will get new visitors that can be converted into customers. this the idea behind engaging content. It gets favorable attention and interest, it helps, solve a problem or gives important information. this is why people feel they want to share it ,so that other people will also benefit from it.
6. Have relevant sites link to your website
Links are a strong signal for search engines, but what is a quality link?
We talked a bit about how to cheek a webpage quality. we use the same SEO metrics to decide if the link is worthy or not. The higher the values, the stronger and more authority the link has. but, the metrics alone is not enough, what matters most is the relevancy (or relation). Suppose you have a fashion website, Google and other search engines will expect to see most links coming from the fashion industry. If you have strong backlink coming from a pharmacy site, it might look suspicious. now you get the point of relevancy, you need to have many high quality links coming from your niche and related industry. these links are sometimes hard to get, but they have the most value.
Need ideas how to build links? here are great ways for white hat link building techniques.
Want to improve your Alexa rank? start building links
7. Use driving traffic keywords
For that, you need to do a keyword research in order to understand what your audiences are searching for. You can also look at your competitor’s keywords and learn from them. Next, is to implement on page optimization, so that your page will be optimized for the words you use. the important thing is to make a professional and in-depth keyword research and to use easy to rank words. it is not wise to try to get traffic from competitive keywords with large volume if you have a new website or stronger competitors.
8. Improve your overall website SEO
link building and keyword research are just part of you need to do. Here are few more things to do: getting to know your competitors and their marketing techniques, improving your website speed, using markup and rich snippets, B2B (business to business) marketing, blogging and better user experience. these are all things you should work on. The user experience is an important aspect and Google takes it very seriously, it means few things, like easy to navigate site, been able to answer to the user question clearly, fast and responsive website, mobile Friendly design. All aspect of layout, content, and speed should be answered. Read this on how to get more organic traffic using SEO.
9. Buy Alexa Traffic
All the above things may take time to implement. If you wish to improve your ranking fast, you can buy special Alexa Traffic coming from users with Alexa’s data panel. This is very fast and effective way but has one main draw, once you stopped it, your ranking can plunge down.
Still, it can be good option to use for maintaining your ranking. The truth is, I know about some companies that are buying Alexa traffic from time to time, to keep their ranking below a certain level. A common question from clients is, How much traffic is roughly for Alexa 100,000 rank? read next to find out.
How much Alexa traffic I need?
This is hard to answer the question. This is not like when you buy website traffic, It depends on few factors and there is no magic formula. All the efforts trying to formulate this looks worthless to me. A better approach is by trial and error, closely check Alexa ranking and adjust your traffic accordingly.
For new websites, you can get quickly to the few millions zone within 1-2 months with a daily amount of 200-300 visitors per day.
For ranked websites, to get below the 1 Million you’ll need more daily traffic. What I suggest, is to buy a package of at least 20K and to split
it equally for 30 days. each 5-10 days check the results and re-evaluate and your traffic. continue to do that in the 2’nd and 3’rd month.
If your targeting numbers are low, like 100k level, you’ll need much more daily traffic, It can be few thousands per day.
How to convert Alexa Traffic Rank into Unique Visitors
While there is no formula for getting the number of unique visitors from Alexa rank, one site suggests such graph.
The information was gathered using real Alexa Rank data and was interpolated into average daily visitors.
The best approximation is found where the line cross in the middle of the points.
Using the graph can give rough estimation about the unique daily visitors from Alexa rank of a site.
For example, 100,000 rank is nearly 1100 visitors per day.
I wouldn’t use this as a magic graph and I don’t think it’s very accurate, but some may find it useful.
Other uses for how to find leading sites are going to Alexa website and to browse by category.
Find the one category that interest you most, dig into the sub categories and click on a few to see their Alexa rank.
You can use the conversation from rank to visitors as above or look for sites with Alexa that is under 100k.
Some people are using this method to find guest blogs options and/or good sites to leave comments on.
Using the Alexa API
Alexa provides an API called Alexa Web Information Service , based on XML format, which gives information about the traffic and structure of websites. This is similar to what you see at developers can use it to display information about other websites, providing traffic information such as Traffic Rank, Related Links, Contact Info, Site Stats, etc.
You need to register first in order to use it. Up to 1,000 requests per month are Free and the charge is per request. You only pay for what you use.
Terms used in Web Analytics
Some concepts you need to know when using Alexa API and web traffic in general.
Web Analytics is a study of users behavior on a website. it includes measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of web data. All in order to understand and optimize web usage.
Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors to a particular page who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
A high Bounce rate can indicate people leave your website too soon. you want your Bounce rate to be low.
Impression: Number of times that users have been exposed to a piece of content, view it. it can be an ad, advertisement, search engine result, any part of your webpage.
Conversion rate: This is the percentage of users who takes a desired action (call to action). for example, if you have people landing on your newsletter page, you want to convert them into subscribers. if you havea product, you want them to buy. the higher the Conversion rate, the better success you have with your desired action.
Page Hit: A request to a web server for a file. like: web page, image, JavaScript, cssfile.
Visitor: User who visit a website during a period of time.
Unique visitor: The number of Unique individuals who request pages from a website during a specific period, no matter how many times they visit the page.
Visits: The number of times a site is visited, this includes all sessions, Unique and not Unique visitors.
Pageviews: Number of users visiting a particular page on a site.
Pageviews per visit: The average number of pageviews per visit over a given time period.
Understanding what is Alexa traffic can be confusing at the start. the measurement is merely for traffic, but sometimes it gets more weight than it should.
Use these tips together with our Alexa traffic to improve your Alexa rank.
How much Alexa website ranking traffic you need ? this is not easy to know, better to experiment and start with slow exposure.
Do you have others tips to share with us ? write it down.
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37 thoughts on “Alexa Traffic Ranking: How does Alexa rank websites ?”
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This information I had read in alexa blog but your post made every doubt clear, I am doing all of the above methods to increase my website rank but it is stuck on a certain limit I have not hired any SEO expert for that I am trying hard to get some higher rank and my site has ample amount also from direct and search engine but still not happening any thing. Can you please suggest any way for that please. Do you think web hosting can play any role in this because I have country based hosting plan.
Hi Rajeev
There is no secret I can tell you how to get more Alexa, beside what I wrote (I doubt if someone can). Your site has alexa of 23,007 in India and 294,085 global rank which is increase of 160,208 from previous 3 months.The numbers are good and I don’t know why you want your Alexa to be lower- you’re in the right path whatever you do. I don’t see any issue with your hosting location.
Your daily traffic is around 5 visitors per day, so still you need more traffic and your site is young- lunched in January 2015 ?
Bottom line, wait and work on site development and don’t look too much on Alexa. when you have more traffic- all will look better.
Quite frankly, Alexa Website Ranking is completely useless… It can be easily manipulated and does not show the true picture… I have seen so many websites with huge traffic having super-low Alexa Web Ranking (probably because the users who visit that site aren’t using Alexa extension for their browsers), while some sites with low traffic are able to rank high just because their users are using Alexa plugins for browsers… I believe if one wants to rely on Alexa Web Ranking, he/she should only do so only for websites ranking from like say around 1 to 50,00 or so. That’s it.
BTW Nice article mate! 🙂
Thank you.
I can agree with you Adarsh. Alexa is indeed over estimated and the final test is not some number , but how much value your site has.
The funny fact is that my blog has a way better Alexa ranking than yours, even though your blog is at least 10 times more successful than mine. 😉
That is of course only because I know how to easily manipulate Alexa rankings.
The truth is that Alexa rankings only matter because people believe they do. Once everyone comes to know about its high inaccuracy, it should become 100% unreliable. I hope that day comes soon. 😀
The truth is , I stopped looking at my alexa rank. once it was very important to me- no longer these days.
I seek for traffic and users reading my posts and not high numbers to impress.
Yeah, that’s probably the best thing to do. Hopefully, I will learn my lesson and do that as well. But in the mean time, I want to see how much I can improve my Alexa ranking! 😀 😀 😀
Anyways, thanks for replying. Have a great day!
This information I had read in alexa blog but your post made every doubt clear, I am doing all of the above methods to increase my website rank. Thanks once again.
Mansoor Bhanpurawala
Thank you for your explanation
I am currently experimenting with buying alexa traffic, and may also am considering buying alexa traffic from your service
Hi James,
This is very detailed post about alexa ranking and its correctness. I have seen many website whose alexa rank is not enough good but they are getting a lot of traffic and many site having good alexa rank but poor traffic. We can not take alexa data very accurate i think.
Alexa is not that great. At the time when I had few visitors, my website rank was low. But, when I began to get more visitors, my alexa rank increased. It’s not reliable at all.
Hii these tips are very helpful. I really liked it. Keep it up. Good job. My website alexa rank was 9,197,058 and right now 1,463,306 .
Alexa does push you to work hard. That’s one good thing i know about them. If they only count users will their tool bars installed on browsers then you are pushed to work hard to improve your ranking. Here in Uganda most companies use Alexa ranks to determine website traffic and before giving out premium adverts hence, it is something big. Thanks for the nice article.
I think alexa metrics are not accurate as they can be increased and decreased according to no. of people having alexa toolbar.
Thanks for sharing this informative article about Alexa Rank.I have a niche blog and this content is so useful for me. I want start buy alexa traffic but I am still not clear on the benefits of this.
Hi James, thanks for this very informative post. I had so many confusions and questions about alexa ranking and after reading this article I have got all my answers. Keep it up and give us this type of helpfull information.
James, I have read some of your other blogs also and find all of them are usefull just like this,I was so much confused about my sudden rank drop in alexa but after reading this i am into relief.Thanks for your sharing and keep posting
I have read so many articles about Alexa ranking, but this seems legit as you have raised so many good points worth reading.
Well said ! Actually people are more curious to know the site ranking and only option is Alexa. But as you said it is not helping your site to get visitors.
You said it right, but vicky for mental satisfaction I am always want to see my Alexa ranking growing.
It seems as though the Alexa ranking system can be a bit dodgy at times. While it may be trustworthy when using it to rank established sites, using it to analyze your own websites growth doesn’t seem like the best option. Thanks for the post, very informative and eye opening!
hello James
Thanks for sharing this informative information. I love to follow your words
Alexa does not seem legit nowadays, as google algorithms continuously evolving results in dancing up and down in ranking of sites.
So the best option is not to look at Alexa, focus to grow more on your website. cheers!!
very informative post. I will use the suggestions discussing here for optimizing my new blog site.This post will be very helpful for the beginner SEO worker who are new in this field.
Keep posting this type of helpful post.
With best wishes.
Hello James,
Very well written post, You have elucidated significant information about Alexa. I have read the whole article with interest. But a question arises in my mind is Alexa ranking still matters in 2018. What is your Opinion?
Thanks for the lovely share, Keep writing 🙂
Thanks for the article. I use Alexa along with Moz, & similar web to understand webpage traffic and ranking. It’s really tough to analyze what number matters the most. I see mostly Alexa ranking has been a major concern. Your article does helps new SEO folks like myself to understand more on Alexa ranking.
I’ve always wondered what the Alexa ranking was all about. You explained it fully! I’m thinking it isn’t something I need to focus on, as it’s a “nice to know” for a “pat on the back”, but not really terribly useful if not everyone is counted. And the ad companies use GA, which your SEO building tips will also work for improving.
i would rather opt for alexa traffic purchase, it can reduce time and confusion. but is that worthwhile or trustworthy enough? Semrush or this sort of sites do offer such packages??
I don’t find Alexa rank a good parameter. I get confusing data from it when I expect rank to go up I see a drop (some times a very sudden and a deep drop!) and sometimes when everything is going on normally with same number of page views there is a upsurge.
Comprehensive guide i have ever read about alexa rank.
Unique and high quality content is something great to improve alexa rank organically.However, SEO is another best choice if you really want to enjoy boosted alexa rank for your blog or website.
Thank you for your insightful article.
Just one small question: Compared to Google ranking, does Alexa rank really matter nowadays?
Yes for Higher Reputation.
Though Alexa ranking gives you an insight where you stand vis-a-vis others in global ranking but Google analytics is the best source for overall statistics.
Its interesting to see how the search engine is changing with the adoption of voice search.
Hello James,
Very well written post ,Thanks for sharing this informative information.I always to follow your words
Alexa is always helpful for check website stats. Although, the stats are not accurate as always. Still It helps to get an idea about compititor’s website. Thanks for sharing such an informative article James.
Hi james,
Thank you for this in-depth information in this post. You have explained in your post that Alexa is not completely error free. can you suggest any plugin for WordPress which will give me true count of my visitors.
Thank you, keep up the good work. 🙂
Interesting and well-written post with many useful information about Alexa and how its algorithm works. Thank you for this article 🙂