
Cheap Web Traffic

Many times you’ll be looking for a good Cheap Web Traffic, but you’ll find that it falls into 3 main categories:
• Cheap traffic that is not really cheap
• Very cheap Internet traffic with dozens of visitors per CPM
• Cheap website traffic with a reasonable amount of visitors that don’t work at all.

In the first case is not very rare to see companies who sell website traffic but at very high prices.
The CPM can be more than double or triple compared to a fair price.
But how can you tell what is a fair traffic price?
Well, if comparing the generation methods (pop ads, proxy, emails, ads, etc)
You can come to a conclusion how much you really need to pay for each 1,000 you’re paying.

The second case of cheap traffic and mass of visitors is also very disappointing.
Some companies will promise to deliver you 1 million visitors at 200$ that’s a CPM of 0.2$ or 0.002 cents per visitor!
With such a low traffic price don’t be surprised if what you’re getting is bot traffic. It’s not reasonable to make money from such traffic and thus to sell to you means fake traffic.

The third case is a reasonable CPM of few dollars, but the problem with such will be a non-converting traffic that will not work. What you’ll be getting is actually dead domains traffic or users coming from rented low-quality proxies.
They will not stick much to your page and thus it’s not traffic that you want to buy.

What we offer is native ads traffic, which is a premium source of paid traffic available today.
We think this is one of the most reliable ways to make Internet traffic because the users see the ads inside existing related posts with a link to your site. And we’re not alone in this filed, firms as tabula and Outbrain use the same principle but at much higher prices than ours.
Feel free to visit our site and to buy cheap web traffic coming from our global network.


Cheap Targeted Traffic


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